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 NHS Services

Minor Ailment Service

This is a new NHS service for people, including children, who don’t pay prescription charges. If our Pharmacist thinks you need certain medication then they can give you a medicine on the NHS without you having to pay for it. It also saves you taking the time seeing your GP just to get a prescription. If you are unwell and think you may be eligible then come into Husbands Pharmacy and we’ll let you know if we can help.

Health MOT

In a private consultation, our pharmacist will  check your Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Blood Glucose level. They will then be able to analyse the results and offer you a great overall picture of your health as well as make suggestions of things you can do to improve it.

Medication Usage Reviews: MURs

Sometimes you’re taking so much medication, you don’t know what to take when, or what is helping at all. Come and sit down with our pharmacist for a FREE and informal face-to-face to discuss your medicines. We want you to know what you’re taking, and what benefit it’s having for you, so you feel happy with those tablets or that cream. An MUR lasts about 10 minutes and is a free service - and private and confidential - so get in touch.

Image by Benjamin Moss
Emergency Contraception

We can supply the ‘Morning After Pill’ to women over the age of 16, even if they don’t have a prescription. Just pop into our pharmacy and ask for a discreet consultation. This service is completely FREE.

Repeat Prescription Service

With the busy lives we lead these days it’s difficult to find time to visit your doctor when you’re running out of your medicine. Make your life a whole lot easier by instructing us to handle your repeat prescriptions for you. Sign up and you can order your repeats from us online here, but also via telephone, email or simply by handing us your repeat form at Putney Pharmacy. We pick up prescriptions from the local surgeries twice a day, so you don’t have to.

Flu Shot
Flu Vaccinations

Better to be prepared! We provide a Flu Vaccination service to individuals who want to guard themselves from getting the flu. One injection and you’re covered! Call us to arrange an appointment. We also offer this seasonal service to offices/organizations to cover their workers and minimize sick days. No appointment necessary, just walk in.

Image by Brett Jordan
Delivery Service

If you live in Putney and are elderly or housebound our delivery angel Mike will cycle his way over to you to make sure you get your medication. Just call us if you need us to set this up for you.

Image by Andres Siimon
Smoking Cessation

NEWSFLASH: Smoking’s bad for you! We can help you quit and have a fantastic success rate with previous clients. We’ll give you all the help and support you need to kick the habit for good! In addition to the support in one-on-one private sessions, we have a wide range of nicotine replacement products, like nicotine patches and gum, to help you on your journey to better health and better wealth! The service is completely FREE, so get in touch to find out more or book an appointment.

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